Weston Homes commissioned EAS to provide an FRA & SuDS Statement for the proposed redevelopment.
The strategy went through a number of iterations in discussion with the Lead Local Flood Authority and Thames Water. Initially an attenuation strategy utilising the existing connections to the Thames Water sewer network was explored, however as the existing outfall from the site was to a foul sewer the Thames Water preference was for a new connection to be made to the surface water sewer network. This would have required a new sewer to be constructed over a significant distance at some cost to the developer. A solution was found by utilising infiltration methods of surface water disposal via permeable paving and a soakaway, following successful testing undertaken at the site.
The scheme was recommended for approval in March 2022 and is currently under construction. Details of the proposed Summer 2023 launch can be found at Brentwood Central.
Weston Homes
EAS Input:
Flood Risk Assessment & SuDS Drainage Strategy
Western Road, Brentwood