We have been reporting our GHG emissions since 2022. We are delighted that our 2023 emissions demonstrate a 9.1 tonne CO2e reduction compared to our base year (2022). Our emissions in 2022 were 50.2 tonnes CO2e, compared to our 2023 emissions of 41.1 tonnes CO2e; an 18% reduction.
We are using the GHG protocol to continually monitor and report our emissions and aim to have reduced our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% by 2030. The reductions achieved in 2023 were attributable to several factors, including:
- Increased adoption of public transport and car-pooling for staff commuting.
- Introduction of company owned electric vehicles.
- Reduced Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) trips to attend site visits.
- Reduced dependence on gas space heating and hot water systems.
We also transitioned to a renewable energy tariff, effectively reducing our market-based Scope 2 emissions to 0tCO2. However, in aid of transparency, we are maintaining our location-based approach as opposed to market-based, and so the reductions achieved through the procurement of renewable energy at our office are not included in the net emissions reduction.
We will continue to publish our annual emissions and are enacting plans to remove our gas boiler in Q1 of 2025 to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels at the office entirely.
“We are taking lots of action to ensure that our emissions continue to reduce. Our team are engaged in the process and actively supporting EAS in our journey to become a more sustainable organisation.”
– Stephen Adams, Director for EAS