The site is located in Flood Zone 1 however was identified to be at low to medium risk of surface water flooding.
EAS provided a Flood Risk Assessment and SuDS Report to support a proposed residential development of 9 units at 94-96 Bessborough Road, Harrow.
The site is located in Flood Zone 1 however was identified to be at low to medium risk of surface water flooding. Harrow Council’s policy on surface water risk is that any brownfield sites identified as being at a 1 in 100 or greater annual probability of flooding will be treated as being the equivalent of Flood Zone 3a.
Detailed mapping was purchased from the Harrow Infrastructure Team to further assess the flood risks at the site. The necessary mitigation measures were integrated into the scheme including the raising of finished floor levels and the preparation of a Flood Warning and Evacuation Plan. A Thames Water surface water sewer was also identified to be located within the site. EAS commissioned a CCTV drainage survey to gain further information on the sewer depths and its location.
Thames Water were consulted, and an in-principle build over agreement was issued. Permission was granted and EAS is now assisting the client in discharging the planning conditions.
Extension Solutions LTD
EAS Input:
Flood Risk Assessment and SuDS Report
94-96 Bessborough Road, Harrow