The former Turnford Surfacing Site is located within Flood Zone 2 and 3, adjacent to the River Lea and covers an area of 12,000m2 which is currently all hardstanding. The site has had multiple uses including a tarmac batching plant and storage and distribution depot.
Whilst the site was allocated within the Local Plan, the proposed density was greater than previously allowed for which raised concerns from a number of organisations. There were initial concerns from the Lead Local Flood Authority, Environment Agency and Canal and Rivers Trust however we were able to satisfy each of the authorities who were all satisfied with the proposals.
Flood compensation was required to be provided and this was achieved within the areas of public open spaces. A drainage scheme was proposed that reduced discharge rates to greenfield runoff rates utilising permeable paving, oversized pipes and below ground storage. The proposals ensured that the properties were not at risk of flooding for all events up to and including the 1000 year event.
In addition to the flood risk work a Transport Assessment for prepared for the application to demonstrate that the redevelopment of the site was consistent with national and local policy guidelines. The Transport Assessment addressed the issue of the access onto a narrow bridge over the railway line and two rivers which required mitigation measures in the form of a signal priority controlled junction. Further analysis was undertaken to demonstrate adequate parking could be provided on the site and that the level of trip generation would not have a negative impact on the local road network.
The scheme was recommended for approval subject to the applicant completing a planning obligation under S106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 in December 2020.
Elvidge and Jones
EAS Input:
Flood Risk Assessment, Drainage Strategy, Transport Assessment.
Rye Road, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire