The site of a former public house & restaurant is located at a sensitive signal junction of Ewell Bypass and London Road (A24).
EAS prepared a Transport Assessment to support the junction which aimed to strike a balance between sustainability, demand for and provision of vehicle parking and potential traffic generation and impact on the adjacent signal junction.
The site promoted sustainable modes of travel by: offering a new push button crossing for pedestrians at London Road; providing a 3m shared footway/cycleway around the site boundary; making significant contributions to public transport improvements; proposing a residents travel information pack; providing a car club bay and a subsidy with free membership; providing high quality cycle parking; and 20% of car parking spaces to be provided with electric vehicle charging points.
The site access, signal junction improvements and arrangements for servicing were all considered as part of the assessment including swept path analysis.
EAS undertook LinSig traffic signal modelling to demonstrate that the development would have a minor impact on the adjacent signal junction. This was later supplemented by further microsimulation modelling undertaken by others and overseen by EAS which demonstrated the same result.
The scheme was recommended for approval subject to the applicant completing a planning obligation under S106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 in April 2021.
65 London Road Limited
EAS Input:
Transport Assessment