The RSPB is the largest wildlife conservation charity in Europe with over one million members. EAS was appointed to design and oversee implementation of a car park for the first phase of their 234 Ha site at Cliffe Pools in Kent.
Cliffe Pools is a high profile flagship nature reserve and when fully open the reserve will attract in excess of 100,000 visitor’s pa. The site is located on the Thames Estuary in North Kent and is remote from the highways and transport network.
The site contains many saline lagoons which form an SPA and RAMSAR wetland. These local characteristics and designations have all been considerations in the design of the scheme.
EAS Solutions
EAS prepared the planning application for a new car park, and access road scheme and discharged all highways, transport, landscape and drainage conditions.
EAS undertook detailed design for the scheme including the development of a SuDS drainage scheme. Full tender contract documentation has been prepared by EAS, using the NEC option A contract.
EAS was also appointed to provide contract administration, in addition to site observation and management.
EAS worked very closely with the RSPB project team to ensure the scheme fitted all needs, is as sustainable as possible and sympathetic to the delicate ecosystems surrounding the site.
The access road and car park was opened in 2009, on time and on budget.
EAS Input:
Transport, SuDS, Discharge of Conditions, Detailed Design, Contract Preparation and Tender
Cliffe Pool, Kent