EAS work regularly for food growers on replacement and new glasshouses, with a focus on sustainable drainage solutions.
At the Smallford Nursery EAS assisted with the application for a replacement improved glasshouse of 2.5ha including attenuation tanks, a new farm shop and car park. EAS also provided the site layout design for a new glasshouse including a new vehicular access, car park and attenuation reservoir for a new 2.3ha glasshouse.
On both applications EAS have provided site layout design, Flood Risk Assessments, Transport Assessments and detailed design of external works. For the new glasshouse design for the new access were designed and approved via S278 Agreement.
To deal with both an increase in surface water runoff a combination of above ground tanks and an attention reservoir is planned designed to store up to a 1 in 100 year rainfall event with an allowance for climate change.
Linked to both application improvements to the Butterwick Brook were proposed to provide a realigned and widened watercourse with a two stage channel, planting and buffer strip to encourage biodiversity. An Environmental Agency (EA) Environmental Permit was required for the works which EAS applied for and negotiated with the EA.
Glinwell Marketing Ltd
EAS Input:
Site Layout Design, Flood Risk and Highways Advice
Smallford. St. Albans