EAS prepared the SuDS drainage design and supporting statement for the scheme in conjunction with the landscape engineers for Anglia Square, Norwich.
EAS worked for Weston Homes on this project where their new proposals for Anglia Square will provide up to 1,100 homes of mixed tenure and up to 80,369 sq ft of retail, commercial and leisure premises including a community hub, up to 450 car parking spaces, new cycle bays and new tree planting, green landscaping, and ecological features.
The site is located in a highly accessible position within the northern part of Norwich City Centre and comprises a significant element of the Anglia Square/Magdalen Street/St Augustines Large District Centre, (the LDC). It is thus of strategic importance to the City.
The redevelopment is in a sensitive location, being at the downstream end of a Critical Drainage Area. As such a 50% reduction in surface water runoff from the site, compared to the existing situation, was negotiated with Anglian Water. The form of the SuDS used within the site to achieve the reduction as well as the other SuDS benefits included: permeable paving, intensive and extensive green roofs, bio-retention swales and a geo-cellular attenuation devices.
EAS also identified the likely foul effluent volumes to check the capacity of the adopted sewer network with Anglian Water.
More information regarding the redevelopment can be found via the link: https://www.angliasquare.com
Weston Homes
EAS Input:
SuDS Design
Norwich City Centre