EAS provided highways and drainage advice for a proposed extension to the existing Masters Logistics site located in Stretham, Ely. The proposals included 3000sqm of additional warehousing along with just under 9,000sqm of new hardstandings to provide suitable HGV parking and circulation areas.
The drainage strategy included a large swale to provide adequate attenuation and treatment for the surface water runoff from the additional impermeable areas before a restricted discharge at greenfield rates to a watercourse.
In addition negotiations were undertaken with the highway authority with regard to the likely additional trip generation and agree the current form of the access would be suitable to serve the extension.
EAS provided a topographical survey to determine the precise visibility splays and a speed survey was undertaken to identify the design speed. Swept Path analysis was undertaken to demonstrate the access and proposed internal layout as suitable to serve maximum length articulated vehicle.
A Flood Risk Assessment/SuDS Statement and Transport Statement was prepared to accompany the application.
The proposals were approved July 2020.
Masters Logistical Services Ltd.
EAS Input:
Drainage Strategy, Transport Statement
Stretham, Ely